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When I was struggling with an allergic reaction to mold in my bedroom, my chiropractor/healer told me to sterilize two glass jars and lids. Then, leaving the jars open, place one in my bedroom and one in my living room. After 24 hrs. I was to put the lids on and bring the jars to my next session. She told me to remember which jar came from which room, but not tell her.

In the session, she took each jar individually and tested these for a reaction from my body. Then she placed one jar back in my bag. She held the remaining jar and moved her free hand in a pattern against my back and up the back of my neck.

When she was finished, I looked at the jar. It was the bedroom jar.

It's been 7 months, and so far my allergic reaction has not returned.

Not exactly "wind," but air caught in a bottle? Definitely.

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